Hi everybody! (Feel free to read that in the voice of Dr
Nick.) My name is Nicola and I am your resident fashion blogger for today.
Myself and Holly have swapped blogs, so you can find her at mine –
fivethoughts.wordpress.com – talking about what I normally ramble about. So I’m
here to talk to you about fashion. I feel like a bit of a cheat already, given
the title of this blog. Today, it’s not so much
the-secret-diary-of-a-Fashion-student, more like the-secret-diary-of-an-English-student-who-just-happens-to-like-clothes-and-stuff.
Hmm.I apologise for the lack of expertise that you are so ordinarily used to...
I really racked my brains to figure out what to write today.
As I am no fashion pro and I tend to rely on humour to cover up my own
inadequacy, I thought I’d very vaguely write about the summer trends of 2012
and how we’re wearing them. I realise Holly your resident expert has been
writing about next year’s summer for AGES now (these fashion lot, always ahead
of the game!) but it’s never bad to focus on the season you’re in. Of course,
it’s easy for me to happily ramble about these trends when I’m not actually
wearing them due to my own poverty, but that’s what blogging is for! Behold,
the most memorable trends that should be in our high streets at the mo...
Yes! Summer means one thing, and that thing is colour! And
with colour often comes print, also known as the time it is acceptable to walk
around looking like a fruit bowl or some sort of floral garden. I love fruit!
And flowers! This is the best season of all. Of course, said colour and print
looks MUCH better under glorious sunshine neatly browning your already-glowing
tan while you happily sip cocktails and wave fans lazily at your face – it’s
just too hot, darling! – but we’re in England. Be serious, now. Wear it anyway.
Why do magazines keep implying we should be wearing these?
Yes, you CAN pair one with a high-waisted skirt to hide the muffin-top you have
after binging on bread in the cold winter months (oh, just me?) but they’re
never going to look great on a girl whose cup size is larger than a B. If I
stepped out in one with my double-Ds on show, it’s likely the world would
collectively gasp in horror and an old biddy might ask me why I forgot to put
on a top that morning. Fortunately, as much as we can be told they’re a ‘must
have!’, to this day I’ve never seen anyone wear one in public yet, probably
because we’d all catch hypothermia. Best to leave them on Rihanna.
I’m actually undecided on these. At first, I was tempted to
laugh at how ridiculous they look, but then I realised that they would give a
person height without adding the inevitable pain of wearing heels or wedges
(yes, WEDGES HURT TOO.) Willing to give these a shot, yes sirree.
Now, I know Holly has dedicated some blog space to this so I
won’t go too far into the pyjama trend. But I will say this... I think it can
work. Not on the above picture (a red carpet, Rihanna? REALLY?) but only IF it
is worn on a top fashionista with a stick-sized figure and only if the look
essentially doesn’t look like pyjamas, more just like they’ve thrown on a cool
printed top (not a shirt) and matching beautifully tailored trousers. But even
that would look horrendous on your average British high street. So don’t
Snakeskin print
Move over leopard print, there’s a new animal print in town!
Well, I know it’s not exactly new, but I’ve seen a lot of snakeskin cropping up
over the summer. It looks like the bold look du jour is snakeskin jeans. A
risky choice, but one that can work if paired correctly. Like all patterned
trousers or leggings, I think this works when your top is a little bit longer
than usual. Pattern isn’t so flattering on the top parts of your thighs
(certainly not mine, at least) but it can look really jazzy on the rest of your
legs. Get some snakeskin in your wardrobe! I even wore a snakeskin print maxi
dress for my End of Year Ball, and as I am evidently the ultimate trendsetter,
I can see how it has caught on... er, just smile and nod at that...
And that is all from me, fashion followers! I’ve just
realised that ironically, when I was given the chance to escape from my blog
‘Five Thoughts I’ve Had This Week’, I wrote about five things. Doh. Apparently
I now think of things in groups of five.I’ve also realised that, after typing
the words ‘flatforms’ and ‘bralets’, fashion words are silly. Never fear, Holly
will be back for your next read. Signing out!