Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Pyjamas? Come again?

In the style of Harry Hill - "Most ridiculous fashion trend of the week"...

Goes to the pyjama look.

 Most trends I can understand, even if I don't like them, but this, really?? Reading in the Guardian last week that the trend has taken off in the celeb world was one thing, but believe it or not, it's set to be hitting Topshop very soon as well. The likes of Rihanna, Stella McCartney and Tilda Swinton have been spotted in 'pyjama chic' (if you can actually call it that), but lets face it, just because they can maybe/mildly/sort of pull it off, it doesn't mean the rest of us can. Rihanna; well she could go out wearing anything and manage to look good; Tilda Swinton has an...eclectic sense of style to say the least, so the pyjama thing really isn't a surprising look on her. I personally can not see the appeal of getting out of bed, showering, getting ready...and then putting a pair of pyjamas back on.

So the comfort thing is a plus side to this look, which you may think I shouldn't be complaining about. I mean how often is a trend so easy to wear and actually comfortable at the same time. Don't get me wrong, I'm not some sort of masochist who loves getting horrendous blisters and cuts from wearing heels, and enjoys not being able to breathe in a vast majority of my going out dresses, but hey! that's just how it is. Personally, I would rather be in mild agony to look great wearing that, than a pair of pyjamas on a night out.

So here's the big one - Comfort v.s. Style. Yes, you can get both (maxi dresses are the ultimate winner in that category) but it isn't easy. So yes, suggesting that the pyjama trend can tick both boxes would be great, but if you ask me, it should be a big fat CROSS in the style box.

The other worry I have here, is how the likes of Primark are going to interpret this trend. Primark are generally bang on the mark for following high street trends, but sometimes, they can be really off. I can just see rails of pyjama bottoms being moved from the nightwear section to day wear, and the unsuspecting population of shoppers being none the wiser. I mean I have actually seen people go out in their pyjamas. A memorable time was when I was working an evening in Tesco Pharmacy, when two teenagers turned up in full pyjama attire, slippers to top it off. If getting dressed is really that much effort, just don't go out at all. (I will add at this point there was a regrettable occasion when I went to Burger King in my pyjama bottoms (pink with monkeys on), but it was for a JOKE. However no one else really took on the whole joke thing, so I ended up just looking like a fool...)

So to conclude! I think this pyjama trend is ridiculous (apologies to anyone that likes it), a wee bit lazy, and I hope it disappears just as quickly as it did from my virtual wardrobe wishlist.

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